Wednesday, August 11, 2004


... is in the ear of the beholder, apparently:
Whether people find you “hot or not” could depend on the sound of your name, suggests a new study.

Linguist Amy Perfors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, US, placed photos with fake names on a website called “Hot or Not”, which allows viewers to rank strangers’ photos for attractiveness.

She found that men labelled with names including “front vowels,” such as the “aaa” sound in Matt were rated as more attractive by website viewers than photos labelled with “back vowel” names, such as the “aw” sound in Paul. The opposite was true for women’s names.

Bizarre. My favourite line:
“An attractive person with a bad vowel name is still more attractive than an unattractive person with a good vowel name,” says Perfors.

You don't say.


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